Sunday, December 21, 2008

Trip to Tower City

We were looking for something to do the weekend before Christmas. We wanted to do something holiday related. So Jim came up with the idea to head downtown to Tower City. Now I figured there wasn't much down there since most of the store have closed, but I looked online and they had tons of holiday stuff.

So we got the kids ready and drove to the train station and took the Rapid into town. Savannah thought that was so cool (even though we only took it a few stops!).

Once there we ate lunch and then watched the show they put on. It was about 1/2 hour long. We walked through Gingerbread lane and Savannah and daddy took a train ride.

Daddy even took Savannah into the Twigbee shop to buy me something. He didn't quite understand that everything was only $1-2 and gave her a $20! The "elf" with her spent it all and I got a whole bunch of fun gifts on Christmas morning :)

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