Friday, March 13, 2009

Tubes for CJ!

CJ had had 3 ear infections in a month and a half. So we decided to take him to an ENT to check them out. He told us that he was going to put him on a low dose antibiotic for a month and see if he could get the fluid to drain.

We went back on Monday March 9th to get them checked. I thought for sure it had drained because we had been so healthy that month. Well as soon as the Dr. looked in his ears he said it was all still in there. He had CJ do a hearing test and he failed so tubes it was.

We were able to get in that Friday (yes the 13th!). Since he was the youngest he went first. We were supposed to be at the hospital at 6:30. CJ was supposed to fast after midnight and since he still gets up for a bottle we knew this was going to be an issue. So we decided to wake him up at 11:30 to eat. He had his bottle and went back down. He then decided to be awake at 3:30! Yikes! So we were a little tired by the time we went to the surgery.

CJ got all registered and we went back. He got into a hospital gown and I got in some scrubs and we took him back. I thought it wouldn't be that big of deal watching him go to sleep, but I had a really hard time with it. I was fine once I got to the waiting room. The good thing is that it is a very short procedure. I was only in there 9 minutes before the Dr. came out. He said CJ did a great job and the fluid was very waxy and would have never drained on its own. So I am glad we did it.

We were home by 9 am and we both took a much needed nap. CJ acted like nothing ever happened! So that is great!

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