Monday, July 21, 2008

The kids are getting so big!!!

So this weekend we were finally in town. We have been out of town the last 3 weekends. So Friday night we went to the pool party up at Five Seasons. It was very crowded, but ended up being fun. Savannah played in the pool and went in the bounce house. We were getting ready to leave and she said she wanted to go off the diving board. So I said ok. She had her swimmy arms on. I went in the water and our neighbor Patti helped her on the board. She walked to the end and went right off. No hesitation. So of course we had to do it again. By the third time the lifeguard was actually paying attention and said we couldn't go off with the bands. That resorted in some crying, but I was so proud of her going. It might be a while until she can do it again, but maybe not!!!! Sorry no pictures! I was in the water.

Then our little boy decided he liked the exersaucer. He had so much fun in it. He was chatting up a storm. As you can see in the video below.

He had so much fun he fell asleep! He takes after his mommy. He can sleep anywhere!

Then last but not least. His daddy took this pisture! Need I say more?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

CJ is absolutley adorable. I love the blog and I am so happy you continuously update it. It is so much fun to hear what you are doing, and see pictures of the kids. Keep up the good work. LU