Sunday, July 6, 2008

4th of July in Frankenmuth

We headed up to Frankenmuth, Michigan with my mom, sister and her husband for the weekend. We left Thursday afternoon and got there around 5. We checked into the Drury Inn and headed down for the free happy hour! Can't pass that up. Then we headed down to the pre-race party. We were doing a 5 k the next morning. They had packet pick-up, activities for the kids and a spaghetti dinner. It was a nice little event. After that we headed back to the hotel and put the kids to bed. Jim was tired from a long day so he stayed in the room with them. Jen, Neil, mom and I headed down to the park for the fireworks. We got great seats and they were wonderful fireworks for a small town. The next morning we got up and headed down for our free breakfast and then went to the race. Jen and Neil ran the race. We had both kids and a double stroller so we were lucky we were even able to walk. I carried CJ in the Baby Bjorn for about a mile until my back just started killing me. So into the stroller her went. Jim pushed the stroller the whole time which is no easy task! We were happy to complete the race in under an hour. One of these days maybe I will run! We stuck around for a bit afterwards as they had tons of stuff going on. This was a pretty big race. They had a 20k, 10k, 5k and a 2k for the kids.

After that we shopped for a bit, went to lunch, and then put the kids down for a nap. Lunch was huge. We weren't expecting this big dinner, but when we sat down it was the dinner menu and it was family style! It was a good German meal, but way too much food. After that Jen, Mom and I headed to the outlets for a couple of hours. We got back and headed to putt putt golf. Mom stayed back with CJ. That was a lot of fun.

On Saturday we got up and went to the Farmer's Market. This wasn't very exciting. After the market we headed to the Riverboat cruise. That was a really nice little boat ride. After that we headed over to Zehnder's for lunch. They had a great little cafeteria in the basement. We all went and took naps after that and then headed to Bronner's Christmas store once Savannah woke up. It is the world's largest Christmas store. it wasn't really what I was expecting. There was a lot of stuff in there, but it was all still pretty expensive. So we didn't buy much. We then went to this Brewery for dinner and then back for ice cream!

All in all it was a great trip with the family! Back down to Dayton this weekend for Dad's golf outing!

CJs 1st Beer!


Anonymous said...

what a great family trip I am proud of all of you for doing the walk. The kids just keep getting cuter.

Anonymous said...

looks like a blast! LYNN