Tuesday, June 10, 2008

CVS Deals for the Week!

Well I made 3 trips to CVS this week and I think I ended up doing pretty well! Although today I had to go to 3 different CVS stores to find the formula. Since I don't think they carry all that much and it was on sale it was hard to find.

Transaction #1:
4 12 packs of Diet/Sprite $4/11 - 8.25 (they forgot to charge me for one, lucky me!)
Formula - 23.99 (on sale)
Total - 32.24
MFG Coupon - (1.00)
CVS Coupons - (16.97)
Formula Check (5.00)
OOP - 9.27

Transaction #2:
1 12 pack Sprite - 2.75 (needed to buy one more to get the ECB)
Dove Deodorant - 2/5.00
Candy - 10.26
Granola Bars - 3/10.00
Cheerios - 3/10.00
Dove Lotion - 6.99
Coppertone Faces - 7.49
MGF Coupon - (3.85)
CVS Coupon - (5.00)
OOP - 44.72 - Earned $28.00 in ECB

Transaction #3:
2 Similac Formulas - 47.98
MFG Coupons (2.00)
CVS Coupons (28.00)
Formula Checks (9.00)
OOP - 8.98

So total for all three transactions before coupons/rebates- 132.71 (that is with sale prices so even better - according to receipts sale prices saved me another 31.75)
OOP - 62.97

Not too bad. Given I got 3 things of formula in the above!


Sara said...

Hey Kristen! I had fun at CVS the past few days also! I'm sad and glad that there's not one too close to me in MS...just Fyi the photo collages (8x10) were $2 at CVS--the lady let me use a $3 coupon on two so I got two for $1 or $.50 each!! They aren't as good as what I can do--but for $.50!! I'm not sure if all the CVS's will work that way though...

Anonymous said...

Hey coupon collector,

Assuming I do not need them, I will send you all of the formula coupons/checks i keep getting in the mail. I have some good ones, for like $10 off.