Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Cedar Point - Take 2!

So we decided to head to Cedar Point again over the weekend. We had so much fun the first time. We did the after 5 thing again, but this time we were even smarter. We brought in our own food (well snuck it in). It was so expensive last time for all of us to eat dinner. Savannah had a great time again. We rode a few rides with her. She even rode the "big" roller coaster. CJ hung out as usual and just took it all in.

The story Jim wants me to tell is when he and Savannah were standing in line for the cars. They were standing over this sewer grate and it kind of smelled. So Savannah grabbed Jim's behind and asked him if he pooped. Kind of funny because that is always what we are doing to her. I am sure the people standing around them in line got a good chuckle.


Becky said...

So is she 100% potty trained -- or are you still having accidents? I imagine so if she is used to you asking if she pooped.

Kristin said...

Well I would have said that she was potty trained as we hadn't had an accident in 2 weeks. But yesterday she went #2 in her pants at Carries. So we are still working on that a bit!